
Showing posts from February, 2020

Meeting with Prof

Yesterday, I met with Chris for a little extra help. I told him straight that I was stuck on the basic labs, and he was very patience and explained everything to me. Some of the gaps in my knowledge was filled, but as I read more codes I think I still need more understanding. Lab 3 Using a infinite loop to wait for user input, jump into subroutines of preset graphic display of each digit. That is the base algorithm for lab 3. Three general registers are available for use, but I wasn't aware of different memory locations for value storage. After the extra lecture with Chris, I know how to access them. With that making a functional lab solution is not complicated, but It would take a very long time because of all the comparing needed for each digit. My goal would be finding a better solution to simplify the code

Lab 3 & 4 Continue

Two days ago, in SPO600 class we had a work period. We gathered our previous lab 4 group and attempt to catch up with the lab....... I'll be honest, my mind was else where during class because I wasn't doing so well in my other subjects. BUT!! Now I am focusing and determined to understand and solve lab 3, and hopefully at least start lab 4 by end of today. ......... ..... (At the end of the day) Ya, I think I need extra help from the Professor. In last class, he said I can give him my available time to meet up during Thursday and Friday. I am going to email him and schedule a one on one.

The Beginning of AArch64 and x86_64

Yesterday in class, we were introduced to AArch64 and x86_64. To be honest I wasn't even caught up with 6502 labs, so learning more advanced Architectures without sufficient background knowledge of 6502 was very concerning. But after first contact, I was kinda excited because both AArch64 and x86_64 has more available general-purpose registers and has commands that accepts more than 2 arguments. This would make future labs (maybe lab 5?) more interesting to code, even-though I still haven't fully figure out lab 3. (I am stuck) As for Lab 3, I started to look at other people's example codes for guidance. Many of my classmates doesn't have proper coding for lab 3, it was a bit relieving that I am not the only one stuck.

Lab 4 Introduction

Today in class, lab 4 was introduced to us. Lab 4 involves around "string"s, how to accept user keyboard input and output a result of either graphical movement or string display after going through a formula. With assigned group, we are to pick two options of four available to us. My group decided on one of the option "Adding calculator". Which is accepting two numbers up to two digits from user keyboard input, then adding them and output to display Some of the restrictions are: - Number range from 0 - 9 - When waiting to accept user keyboard input, we must indicate the cursor - Backspace, and Enter key must be available Then there is the optional challenge which i will not do, so i won't bother mentioning here. By the end of the class, my group manage to create a subroutine to restrict user input to only number between 0-9.

Lab 3 Progress

Today I had spent most of of the day trying to understand Lab3. The lab requires us to program with 6502 simulator, a two digit counter ranging from 00 to 99, it must be able to accept user input of +/- to either increments or decrements the two digit counter real time. Some of the example code provided on the school website have similarity, so it was a good place to start. After spending most of my day, I can conclude that I won't be able to meet the deadline of submission. Just trying to under how to accept user input of +/- took most of my day and I have insufficient knowledge to draw the full two digit counter on the memory map. I most likely would need to ask the professor for extra help if available.

Friday Class Recap

Yesterday in class, we had a small test. Now I realized how much i don't know about addressing mode in 6502.