Lab 4 Introduction

Today in class, lab 4 was introduced to us.

Lab 4 involves around "string"s, how to accept user keyboard input and output a result of either graphical movement or string display after going through a formula.

With assigned group, we are to pick two options of four available to us.

My group decided on one of the option "Adding calculator".
Which is accepting two numbers up to two digits from user keyboard input, then adding them and output to display

Some of the restrictions are:
- Number range from 0 - 9
- When waiting to accept user keyboard input, we must indicate the cursor
- Backspace, and Enter key must be available

Then there is the optional challenge which i will not do, so i won't bother mentioning here.

By the end of the class, my group manage to create a subroutine to restrict user input to only number between 0-9.


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