Lab 3 solution

With the help of many classmates and professor, I have finally came up with the full solution to lab 3.

My solution turn out to be very long even after converting it into sudo code, I wanted to shorten it or think of another solution, but since I spend too much time on it I must shift my focus on other labs.

My method is function based, I wrap each section of the code in function form and call them for each situations
The following are sudo codes with the attempt to short the solution

Initialize settings:
Set display to zero zero
set 0 (LSD) to storage
set 0 (MSD) to storage

check $ff (which is user input) for +/- input
compare for + input
Jmp to + subroutine
compare for – input
Jmp to – subroutine
clear $ff
Infinite loop: Loop-input

Cmp MSD with each of the 10 digites and draw based on each compared
Cmp LSD with each of the 10 digites and draw based on each compared
Return from subroutine

Cmp LSD if 9
Jmp to +
Return from subroutine
Increment LSD
Set LSD to 0
Jmp to check/draw
Return from subroutine

Cmp LSD if 0
Jmp to –
Return from subroutine
Decrement LSD
Set MSD to 0
Jmp to check/draw
Return from subroutine

Cmp MSDif 9
Jmp to ++
Return from subroutine
Increment MSD
Jmp check/draw
Return from subroutine
Cmp MSD if 0
Jmp to –
Return from subroutine
Decrement MSD
Jmp to check/draw
Return from subroutine

Digit 0-9
Create each of 10 single digits with DCB
Match each with a storage number of its graphic represented


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