Lab 6 Introduction

Considering Lab 4 and 5 are similar to lab 3, which takes a fair amount of time to complete, I should complete lab 6 first and maybe during the following week, I can attempt to complete Lab 4 and 5.

Lab 6 Algorithm Selection Lab

In this lab we are given 3 c codes that does the same thing but in different methods to manipulate the codes with its samples:
- Basic algorithm: Casting the samples to floating point and back again
- Lookup table: Pre-calculated table
- Fixed-point algorithm: Bit shifting math

We are to build the codes with the given "Makefile" inside each machine (Arach64 and x86-64). Record each program with "time" command and find a way to measure performance ONLY with each of them.

The point of this lab is to see each method would be the optimize way for this type of code.


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